
miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011


Para quien guste de adherirse y firmar a favor de que la transexualidad deje de ser considerada patología (STP 2012), enviar un mail con los datos y la adhesión a la siguiente dirección:
 vibe@lgbt.dk antes del 10 de junio, 2011. (Figura en el texto)
para mas información:
Please distribute widely
Dear everybody,

during a transgender conference in Denmark this spring the attendants expressed a strong wish for the removal of the gender diagnoses and the politicians - although none from the government parties - supported this. We have afterwards had a thorough discussion about the consequences of keeping or removing the diagnoses.

We note that in an international survey undertaken by APA 55.8% of the participating organisations wanted the diagnoses removed and only 20.9% of the organisations wanted to retain it. We also note that the STP-2012 initiative has gained support from 230 organisations world wide in their aim to delist gender diagnoses and the GID Reform Advocates have stated:

"Our group of scholars struggled with the section of Gender Identity Disorder of Adulthood and new recommendations for Gender Incongruence (in adults). Many of us were concerned about the inclusion of this diagnosis in any form and would prefer to have it removed."

although they have so far opted for reform rather than removal.

Based on our analysis we conclude that the gender diagnoses are not necessary and we urge their removal.
Please have a look at this paper http://www.grevsen.dk/TS/SPGV.pdf

The document will be submitted to APA as a joint statement from as many organisations and individuals as possible.
If you or your organisation wants to be listed as a co-signatory please contact me at vibe@lgbt.dk before June 10, 2011.

Your support is highly appreciated!

Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Vibe Grevsen
Board member

LGBT Denmark - The Danish National Organisation for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered persons

NGO in special consultative status with the economic and social council
of the United Nations

http://www.lgbt.dk/ - vibe@lgbt.dk - tlf. 33 13 19 48
Postadresse: Postboks 1023 - 1007 København K
Besøgsadresse: Nygade 7, 2. - 1164 København K

Forwarded on behalf of by Dennis H

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